Josselyn Sports Turf is offering cultivation services to managers of park and recreations facilities, schools, and golf courses. Services include aeration, topdressing, overseeding and fertilization. All services are offered to your schedule and turf requirements. We travel through out New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine.
Aeration relieves soil compaction, increases oxygen for root growth, improves water infiltration into the soil, helps manage thatch, and promotes stronger turf for safer playing conditions. Josselyn Sports Turf uses First Products, Wiedenmann XF, Ryan and John Deere Aercore aerators. With these machines, soil decompaction can be acheived and/or cores can be pulled.
Wiedenmann XF 6
First Products aerator
Aerating and dragging after compost
Solid tine aeration
Solid tine aeration
Greens core aeration
Greens large core aeration
Greens large core aeration
Topdressing maintains and improves soil structure, helps manage the thatch layer, levels playing surfaces, amends soils, improves drainage, improves plant rooting and encourages seed establishment. Dakota Turf Tender machines are used to spread sand, compost, lime, calcined clay and other soil amendments that are required for your areas.
Leveling after heavy sand application
Dakota 410 on Pro Gator 2020A
Standard compost application
Dakota 420 spreading compost
Sand topdressing
Working out of trailer for easy cleanup
120 yds of compost delivered
Aeration after heavy compost
Seed is chosen from factors including your geographic area, field usage, water availability and cultural practice plan.
Seed can be broadcast before or after aeration for improved soil contact. For maximum seed to soil contact, the Redexim 3D 1575 double disc seeder. Seed is calibrated and applied to achieve maximum recovery and grow
Seed is chosen from factors including your geographic area, field usage, water availability and cultural practice plan.
Seed can be broadcast before or after aeration for improved soil contact. For maximum seed to soil contact, the Redexim 3D 1575 double disc seeder. Seed is calibrated and applied to achieve maximum recovery and grow in time with minimal waste. An acre meter is on the machine for confirmation of area covered and constant monitoring.
Redexim 3D 1575 double disc seeder
Slice seeding 3 directions
Brillion primary seeding
3 weeks after seeding field hockey
Trying to recover from summer stress
1 month after seeding on edge of field
250lb (5 bag) capacity
2 directions on soccer/ baseball
Fertilizer is very important to keep the turf healthy and help fight against weed encroachment. Fertilizer requirements are determined by soil tests. Once a fertilizer is selected per each area sampled, applications are completed with Vicon pendulum spreaders for large areas, and Permagreen or Andersons rotary spreader for smaller areas
Fertilizer is very important to keep the turf healthy and help fight against weed encroachment. Fertilizer requirements are determined by soil tests. Once a fertilizer is selected per each area sampled, applications are completed with Vicon pendulum spreaders for large areas, and Permagreen or Andersons rotary spreader for smaller areas.
Lime applications are performed with Vicon or Dakota Turf Tenders
Large area Vicon
Large area Vicon
50lb lime bags
Bulk bags lime
Small area Permagreen
Infield services can include but are not limited to infield edging, high lip removal, mound repair, plate repair, infield leveling, infield material blending, base installment/correction, infield aeration and infield conditioner application. Infield work can be performed before or during season. Ideally all work is performed out of seaso
Infield services can include but are not limited to infield edging, high lip removal, mound repair, plate repair, infield leveling, infield material blending, base installment/correction, infield aeration and infield conditioner application. Infield work can be performed before or during season. Ideally all work is performed out of season in fall so the field is ready for play when spring arrives and a light dragging is required for play.
Beginning of edge work
Afer edging work
High mound edge cut and lower
Infield aeration
Conditioner application
Cherrington 950 weed & stone screening
Cherrington edge cleaning after sod cutting
Cherrington edge cleaning after sod cutting
Rotadairon infield blending
Aerating conditioner to mix into profile
Raising baselines 5"
This video is showing how conditioner can be applied using a John Deere 2020A Pro Gator. The conditioner can be aerated in or left on top for play.
Custom services can be additional tasks including but not limited playing surface layout and painting, letter painting, game day painting, verticutting/thatch removal, drainage projects, light or heavy rolling, goal area/worn area repair and sod work.
Field layout and lettering is performed with SWOZI gps paint machine for precise line
Custom services can be additional tasks including but not limited playing surface layout and painting, letter painting, game day painting, verticutting/thatch removal, drainage projects, light or heavy rolling, goal area/worn area repair and sod work.
Field layout and lettering is performed with SWOZI gps paint machine for precise lines every time.
Custom services can be field specific. I'm happy to work together and achieve your best playing conditions. Let's get your games going!
SWOZI field surface layout
SWOZI game day
Game day
FDS thatch control
Perimeter drainage
Light rolling
Heavy rolling
Goal area repair
Plate area sod work
Plate area sod work
Drill and fill with conditioner for puddle control
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